Our Services

Secure your personalized tutoring session by booking an appointment today. Experience tailored instruction designed to meet your individual academic needs.




Empower your academic growth with comprehensive learning resources tailored to your unique needs. Expertly curated lesson/study plans pave the way for your success at every educational stage.

This package includes one student only. See EducatePlus for options involving working with multiple students at once.

Sessions are held in the home of students or via Zoom.

*Monthly packages available, contact for additional details.



$45/hr +$10/hr per additional student

This package is for those interested in group sessions. Sessions may be held at home, school, or via Zoom.

The additional $10/hr only applies to students seen simultaneously.

*Monthly packages available, contact for additional details.



Elevate your learning journey with expertly curated educational guides designed to enhance learning and provide comprehensive support for students across all subjects.

-Customized study materials including:

·Music/Songs - - - - - - - - - - - Starting at $10

·Activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - Starting at $5

·Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Starting at $5

-Customized homeschool schedule - - - - - Starting at $10

Schedule a complimentary consultation